// Ideas, News

SWA and Volume’s design for Harvey Milk Plaza wows the public.

“Amazing!” “Frankly remarkable” “I’m blown away” “A breath of fresh air” “Absolutely outstanding” “Great job!”

These were just a few of the comments about SWA and Volume’s proposed design for the Memorial at Harvey Milk Plaza, which also just received unanimous approval from the San Francisco Arts Commission. (See images of the design here.)

We attribute the success to SWA’s leadership of the creative team—their tenacious stewardship of the process and collaborative spirit. Volume was an equal creative partner in the conceptual phase and together we produced a design that goes beyond expected memorial tropes. Spurred on by Harvey’s “Hope + Action” mantra, the memorial will be dynamic, inclusive, and engaging to meet the contemporary cultural changes around what a place like this should symbolize and do. We’re excited to make it real in the coming months. Stay tuned.