Why move (again)? Because
No. 49 we feel like it No. 48 the mission is too hot. No. 47 haters gonna hate. No. 46 see number 19 No. 45 you gotta keep em guessing. No. 44 I’m getting a sunburn on my neck. No. 43 We're hoping to step in less shit. No. 42 It’s time to grow up. No. 41 When you gotta go, you gotta go. No. 40 people are looking for me No. 39 it keeps the blood flowing No. 38 New year! No. 37 It's December and it's going to be 70 degrees today. No. 36 I drank too much egg nog. No. 35 Ziggy was over it. No. 34 It's Friday again. No. 33 It's Friday. No. 32 Blahhh No. 31 Blah No. 30 Secret staircases. No. 29 We've missed seeing the sun set. No. 28 The view from the top of Vallejo Street is hard to beat. No. 27 It’s time to try some new coffee. No. 26 It’s freeeezzzing!!! No. 25 Ziggy outgrew the old office. No. 24 Ed works nearby. No. 23 Any more books and Eric will be completely devoured by them. No. 22 We need more room for the Volume band to rehearse. No. 21 The city still hasn’t installed a crosswalk at Mariposa and Harrison. No. 20 Adam and Eric have had the same view of each other for 11 years. No. 19 My leg just fell asleep. No. 18 We’ve been trying to repurpose these pink bags for 12 years. No. 17 The world is moving whether you like it or not. No. 16 Exercise is good for you. No. 15 Road rage seeping in from Harrison Street began to affect our productivity. No. 14 Setting up camp is the best part. No. 13 Everything changes. No. 12 Staying still makes me dizzy. No. 11 We need a change of atmosphere. No. 10 The Mission ain’t what it used to be. No. 9 Friendly neighbors near Levi's plaza. No. 8 Always wanted a view of the bay. No. 7 We envision a synergy of desks around the center axis. No. 6 Paper samples from 1997 cluttering our shelves. No. 5 Twenty minute wait for coffee. No. 4 Why not? No. 3 Our roots will set off to seek another land. No. 2 Standing still is boring. No. 1 The great thing in the world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.