When the College of Fine Arts at the University of Kentucky asked us to fill their Bolivar Art Gallery with a show of our work, we were flattered, sure, but also intimidated. We’d already exhausted a multitude of ideas designing another exhibition about ourselves. And how would we represent our work when it was so readily available to view on our website (to start)?
Pinterest, Instagram, Behance, and all the other visual-rich platforms we scroll through regularly barrage us with perfectly photographed results of creative toil. But they rarely showcase the philosophy or blood-sweat-and-tears process that goes into getting to that point. Could our exhibition be the antidote to this?
The result was Volume Inc: This Will (Not) Be Easy. Where one would usually expect to see the actual work first and foremost, with the philosophy and process reduced to wall text (if seen or read at all), our exhibition completely reverses that hierarchy. Instead, it’s a snapshot of all the thinking and making that goes into the final product.