Workspaces to get collaborative and messy in.

Amidst the new trend in remote work, Project Studios is an initiative that provides an alternative—collaborative workspaces where teams can congregate in person for those times when only face-to-face will do. Volume was hired to conceive a flexible, site-specific identity system that could be executed across a wide range of offices and architectural contexts while still maintaining a core visual and experiential narrative.

Inspired in equal measure by the messy, hands-on origins of the company and open-ended, rules-based conceptual art, we created a dynamic identity that might be limited in the color palette but wildly expansive in how it can be applied. This spatial branding system is not about consistency and rigid rules. Instead, it’s about a coherent spirit that can wax and wane depending on where it lives and the people designing it.

The system patterns are abstract representations of a kinetic work process, coming together for collaboration, or working towards a common goal. We established a set of rules that govern their creation and integration with each other so each distinct Project Studio can create its own unique set. Each studio also chooses a single accent color to mix with the black and white patterns that can only be used at their location.

Volume also applied this system to one of the company offices, working closely with both its in-house design team and WRNS Architects to deliver a cohesive experience that works on all scales—from the macro spatial features down to the items on one’s desk.

We also created a set of creative prompts to help Project Studio visitors jump-start their collaborative process. These prompts were applied to various items, including small plaques on the existing brick and a suite of creative tools to augment the Project Studios experience, such as pens, pencils, and post-its. Each location also has a bespoke workbook that visitors can use to brainstorm and document anything else from their visit.